April 2023 – Newsletter
Happy Easter – April 9, 2023
And Enjoy the Great Outdoors!!

Did You Know?
- *Rurbanization? Yup, the growing trend of farming within cities is expanding: Urban gardens are producing 15 to 20% of our food supply globally, and that number is increasing… (Wired)
- *Short term stress can actually be good for you: its longterm stress that is really damaging. Compare drinking coffee all day long to one shot of espresso. Short, sharp burst of stress like high-intensity workouts – or a quick cold shower or sauna – can actually invigorate. (Making It)
- Your April Home To-Do Checklist
The sun is shining. Spring has sprung! Enjoy some fresh air.
- What is “nature deficit disorder,” and can the outdoors really make us feel better?
- Mental Health Benefits Of The Outdoors
Sonoma County and Bay Area Parks to enjoy:
- Walks with Sonoma Ecology Center
- Full Moon Hike – Sugarloaf Ridge
- Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park
- Bothe Napa Valley State Park
- Angel Island State Park
- Mount Tamalpais State Park
- Half Moon Bay State Beach
- Golden Gate Park
- Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park
- Hiking Bodega Bay
- Sonoma State Historic Park
- The Sonoma Barracks
- Sonoma Traintown Railroad
- Old Sacramento State Historic Park
April Community Happenings
- Apple Blossom Festival
- Fashion Trashion Runway Show
- UC Master Gardeners Tomato Plant Sale
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Be Respectful, Be Kind
This BLOG is intended to provide information and content of value. Suggestions about what you would like to see more of, feel free to email me and certainly feel free to forward to friends and family. |