Celebrate Earth Day – April 22, 2024
Save The Planet For Our Children And Future Generations
- “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you” Jane Goodall
- “We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.” Maya Angelou
- “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” Robert Swan
Did You Know?
- From PG & E – “In the coming weeks, we will be performing vegetation safety work on or near your property which means pruning or cutting down trees and shrubs located too close to power lines or that pose a risk to electric equipment”
- I recently discovered a bee swarm in my hedge. I called the Beekeepers Association and they safely and kindly rescued the swarm. It was a heartwarming process to watch. To ensure the safety of yourself and the bees, report your swarm as soon as possible.
Your Health: Task Paralysis – What is it?
- Task Paralysis is Real: 9 tips to Overcoming Inaction and Get Unstuck
- Paralyzing Anxiety: What It Is, Symptoms, & How to Cope
Home – Spring Cleaning:
- To-Dos: Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist
- Tips To Kickstart Your Spring Cleaning
Benefit of Indoor Plants:
- Plants and Indoor Air Quality
- A Hobby for All Seasons: 7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants
- 10 Best Indoor Plants for Your Health, According to Research
Celebrate the Great Outdoors in Sonoma Valley :
- Blooms & Birds – Sugarloaf State Park
- Sonoma Friday Morning Farmers’ Market
- Wondrous Wildflower Walk – Sugarloaf State Park
- Robert Ferguson Observatory – Upcoming Events
- Sonoma Botanical Garden
- A Spring Redwood Experience – Jack London State Park
- “Tilden Daken: The Art of Adventure” – Jack London State Park
- Jack London State Park Event Calendar
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Be Respectful, Be Kind
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